It has been well publicised that Western Australia’s health system is experiencing a significant crisis including staff shortages and extensive wait lists to access specialist services. But not as well publicised is the impact these shortfalls are having on children and young people across the state.

Over the coming weeks, we will be sharing the stories of families who have experienced the challenges of engaging with, and navigating the WA health system and the impact this is having on outcomes for their children.

The stories highlight the fundamental importance that the WA Government place a higher priority on the health and wellbeing of children, young people and their families by:

  1. Providing timely access to the full range of programs and support services.
  2. Closing the gaps in service delivery for vulnerable families including those experiencing financial difficulties, language barriers and living in transient accommodation.
  3. Recognising the unique needs of vulnerable children and young people, for example Aboriginal children, those with disabilities or those from cultural and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
  4. A more coordinated and integrated approach to service delivery and communications with families.